Many times, I’ve had conversations with people in shops or when I’m out and about asking “what do I do?” and when I say I live and work in Cambodia, the most common response many people say is something along the lines of …”oh I wish I could do something like that” or “I would love to help people like that - I’ve always wanted to go to a poor country and help” it makes me think…but they can – you can. Maybe help doesn’t look like going where I go, or doing what I do in my day to days but we can have the same impact – what if I’m there in your place and by supporting me YOU are making the difference you want to make in the world?

Through your financial contribution, the Aroha Project supports the poor and underprivileged young adults and families in both the urban and rural areas of Cambodia. The students in scholarships or enrolled in extra tuition classes work hard. They value the opportunity given them but mostly what I love is that I see them paying it forward as they give back to their families and those around them. When looking at what we have achieved during the last six years and the goals for the future we have been able to affect so many people directly and indirectly. During this next year our beneficiaries from the Aroha Project should number at least 1440.

You see, you and I together are changing the lives of people in Cambodia and in turn, they are changing their families their friends and their community.

At the beginning of this new year 2022, I wanted to share with you something on more of a personal note.

This month I’ve been living and raising money supporting those in Cambodia for over six years.

My heart has been full, and my heart has also been stretched and stressed and broken. But, it is still full of faith and trust, that what I do matters, that I am, in fact, making a difference in a small way in this little space of the world I am in. I have changed, I have adapted, and I’ve had to sacrifice to make this difference. It’s by far not a glorious lifestyle (I’m in the wrong country for that!). It’s been hard to build relationships both here and there – and I’ve had to live in the tension of getting older being mindful of my own future needs and that of my families.

Christmas week I had a motorbike accident ☹ I shattered my collarbone and broke five ribs. I hit the road hard (this time it’s not a metaphor) and after an ambulance ride and surgery (under a local anaesthetic mind you – go Cambodia!) for my collarbone and a week in hospital I was left wondering what happened to my amazing start for the next season in Cambodia after patiently waiting 20 months to get back there.. I was just getting started for 2022. I’m pleased to tell you I am recovering well but I didn’t know just how painful a broken rib could be – let alone five of them. I had to put a few things on hold - the main one being the “Fill a Stocking” project but I will revisit how we do this later in the year.

Thank you to those who have prayed for me and sent encouragement, love and finances to help me get through this tough time. As I write this, I’m in managed isolation in New Zealand. I was able to get home for the next six weeks for rest and repair and to take care of some personal situations – namely my residency visa.

I know many don’t understand my choice to stay in Cambodia, but I honestly feel my time there isn’t finished. Maybe it never will be. I hope and pray that I’m still going to be able to bring some light and bring some hope to those families struggling daily and Cambodia for the rest of my life in some capacity.

Cambodia is where I found both more suffering and more love than I have ever thought possible.

A lot has changed in me over these six years. I’ve healed somewhat – I’ve come from the weakest I have ever felt and become the strongest person I have needed to become – through my personal loss I have gained so much. God is good. People are good. When I look back six years ago, I can’t believe the journey that we’ve all been on together and the changes we have brought to Cambodia little by little step by step one life at a time. Our call has a price. My desire is to continue to do what I can. Sometimes you get to choose your life path, sometimes you don’t. I’ve seen that in my own life.

The poor we help didn’t choose their situation, the family they were born into, or the generational poverty they’ve had to succumb to. My goal is to show them they have the power to change themselves and the community long after I’ve gone from Cambodia.

Now, through the Aroha Project we can offer them help to rise above and take the chance to break the cycle of poverty.

After some goal setting for 2022 (and beyond), the Aroha Project aims to achieve the following this year.

Goal: To improve the education, business literacy and employability of young people.

To achieve this, we have implemented the following activities:
1. Tertiary scholarships – three scholarships annually.
2. Vocational training scholarship - graphic design, finance & banking, mechanics, hair & beauty - three scholarships annually.
3. Business Mentor Group for young women - up to 10 young women - monthly training.
4. DayPro Shoes - small business in Phnom Penh.

Goal: To improve the living conditions of local village people by responding to urgent and emergency needs.

To achieve this, we have set up an emergency community response plan. This includes:
1. Food parcels.
2. Medical interventions.
3. Monthly rental support for the elderly.
4. Bicycles for students to allow transportation to school.

To achieve these goals, the Project needs your support. My prayer is that the support provided by the Aroha Project will help Cambodian young people grow into the future leaders and professionals that the nation so desperately needs to transform.

Be part of a generational change in Cambodia

Every day is valuable. Every ‘one’ is valuable. 

As promised, the Aroha Project has been set up under the Global Development Group which allows your donations to be tax deductible. Please, if you can help even in a small way, weekly, monthly, or a yearly contribution now is the time. All donations can be made through the Aroha Project that is registered as part of the GDG. I want to thank you all for being part of my missionary journey, encouraging me as you share my work and my life, I am immersed in.
Aroha Project is a partner for Project J1135N with Global Development Group (GDG; ABN 57 102 400 993). GDG is a charitable Non Government Organisation [NGO] carrying out humanitarian projects with approved partners and providing aid to relieve poverty. Gifts over $2 are tax deductible in the USA, Australia, and over $5 New Zealand. All donations are received subject to GDG's donation and privacy policy (www.gdg.org.au/policy). If excess funds are received they may be applied to other approved project activities.

To claim donation tax (through GDG) in the USA, Australia or New Zealand click here. You can set up a one off, monthly or yearly payment towards a project goal of your interest.

"...what captured my heart was a conversation I had with a young man late last year. He told me every time visitors came to the orphanage he was raised in he quietly prayed that someone would notice him and take him home. He said he prayed to God many times to have a mother like his friends at school and prayed someone would notice him. He said that as he grew older he realised that people weren’t so interested in him as they were drawn the younger kids, and by the time he reached 18 he thought his chances of finding a “home” or of someone really caring for him were finished, that people weren’t interested in the older kids…just the cute younger ones. This broke my heart and I decided after that discussion these are the ones I want to help. So here I am…”



For those of you who would love to  partner with us financially –no gift is too small! Whether through offering a scholarship for a student or for general support here are the details:

To claim donation tax (through GDG) in the USA, Australia or New Zealand click here. You can set up a one off, monthly or yearly payment towards a project goal of your interest.

Alternatively, pop your money in any one of these accounts and it all goes directly to the Aroha Project.

Australia ANZ Direct Deposit: WILSON 016141 299685840
NZ ANZ Direct Deposit: WILSON 06 0383 0164749 04
Direct Deposit: Edge | 03 0155 0451009-000 and reference 'arohaproject'

Here’s to new adventures. 

Life is short, love what you do. 
Thank you for your love and prayers, 

Arohanui, Annie.


