Hello friends and family,
Itβs a new year, new season and new month! A lot has happened since my last update, but Iβll keep it short for those who only drink short blacks π
I had a wonderful time in Perth with family and friends for Christmas and meeting my new grandson Finlay Luka. I then had a very short trip to New Zealand to visit my sonβs family and have come back feeling very blessed and inspired once again to make a difference where I can here in Cambodia.
Many things I hope can continue β¦the scholarships, English classes, supporting the community through events and in emergency situations that come up and a more focused effort on the backpack supplies for underprivileged primary age children in the provincial areas.
As you know towards the latter half of last year, I was asking for donations of $25 for the backpack appeal. I would love to continue this this year. The raised funds allows such significant results. Thank you again for your help with this.
If your business would like to sponsor a month we usually require about 30-50 packs per school and you can have it as a tax deduction!
While I was home a few conversations with friends made me rethink a few things. One thing Iβve always failed to do well is to raise money for the things I need for myself to stay in Cambodia. Iβve always been outwardly focused with the project needs and always put the people here first. Iβve found it hard to ask for help with my needs here so this year I would like to try something new.
I would like to start the 50-50 project.
My goal over the next two years is to find 50 people who could give $50 a month (or more π).
This would ensure that I have enough money every month to pay the needs of rent, transport, insurances, health needs and just general expenses I face here. Iβm asking you to sponsor me to ensure that I can live here a little while longer with a little bit less stress, knowing I have enough to live and give from. I think youβve all witnessed by now, I genuinely strive to give what I can from all that I get, so I sincerely ask that you could consider this.
In all honesty it gets harder to live here as my family grows at home and as I get older going around on a motor bike but I still feel Iβm meant to be here. Just want to make a differenceβ¦ life is short.
Thank you to those of you that already give and support through scholarships and in general giving for the shop and community projects⦠what a huge difference we have made over the last eight years together. Life changing. The needs here remain large, still always overwhelming, but always rewarding when you see the results.
Covid was a major interruption and delayed the end of university for some of the students and their graduations but we will keep moving forward and not look back⦠all the assistance is bringing positive change in Cambodia.
My main ask for this year is for
1. Education: continuing support and partnering with me by continuing with scholarships and supporting poorer students with their extra classes.
2. Community: support both for the backpack appeal - $25 will buy a backpack full of school supplies for students and continued giving for emergency needs.
3. Help me meet my goal of 50 people committing to $50 a month so I can do more.
Would any of these three things be a possibility? I know we can all do something together. Drop me a line back and let me know your thoughts or just say hiβ¦
Once again ensuring you know all giving is tax deductible through the Global Development Group on the Aroha website. This month will be the end of the tax year in New Zealand in case there was something you felt you could donate before the 31st March (33% back). Click here to set up a donation now.
So I promised to keep it short so thatβs a wrap π
Looking forward to another rewarding year together.
Here are a couple of lines from some of the students who take extra classes:
ο»ΏThis is from Srey Pich.
αααα»ααα·αααΆα’ααα»ααααααΆααααΉαα α·αααααα’αααα’αααααΆααα½αα§αααααααααααΆαααααα»ααααααΆααααααααΆααα·ααααΆααΆαααααΆααααα ααααΆααα§αααααααααΆααα½ααααααααα½ααααααΆααα·ααααΆαααααααα»αααΆαααα’αααααΎαααΆααα»αα αααΎαα
I truly thankful for your kind heart in supporting monthly allowance for extra classes. My study is getting much better than before.
This is from Srey Pheak.
ααΆααα·ααααΆααΆαααΆαααααΆααααααΌααααααΆααααα½αααΆααα·ααΆαααααΆαααααΎα²ααααΆααα·ααααΆαααα»αααΈαα ααααΎαααΆααα»αα ααααΆααα§ααααααααααααααααααααΌαααΆααααα»ααααααααααΆααα αΎαα
My study is improved and better by your allowance support. This support meets the need for my study perfectly.
This is from Srey Neath.
αααα»ααα·αααΆα’ααα»ααααα’ααααααααΆααααΉαα α·ααααααααααα’αααα’αααααΆααα½αααααααα»ααααΆααα·ααααΆαααααααα»αααΆαααΆαααααΆααααααΌαααααα·α αααααααΊααα’ααααααΈαααΆααα»ααααααΆααα§αααααααααααα·αααΆαα½ααααα»αααΆαα αααΎαααΆααα ααΌαα’ααα»α!
Thank you so much for your pure kindness for supporting extra classes allowance. My study is improving better little by little. This allowance is helping me big way! Thank you!